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Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

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"Let's rebuild Sierra Leone one youth at a time, one village at a time, one chiefdom at a time, one district at a time, one province at a time, and one region at a time."

Dr. Prince Hycy Bull, CEO & Founder 

Hope for Youths SL a Youth-led Advocacy on Tobacco in Africa Member

Hope for Youths Sierra Leone was invited to participate as a member of the Sierra Leone Tobacco Control Coalition. The goal of the coalition is to create lasting health in Africa. The honor was extended to Hope for Youths Sierra Leone because of our important role in developing youths in Sierra Leone. The goal of the program is to create lasting health in Africa.


Ms. Zainab K. Mohamed, the President of the Kenema Chapter, will represent Hope for Youth Sierra Leone at the international training at the Brookfields Hotel in Freetown from July 10-14, 2023. After the training, we will select a team of youths to work on tobacco control in Sierra Leone. 


We continue to grow in Sierra Leone, one youth at a time, one village at a time, one town at a time, one chiefdom at a time, one district at a time, and one region at a time. Together, we will build the envy of the world, the America of Africa in Sierra Leone. Hope is our future! Sierra Leone 4 Sierra Leone!

Zainab, Justin, & Dauda Represented
Hope for Youths Sierra Leone at the
Youth Election Social Laboratory
May 22-27, 2023

Ms. Zainab Karama Mohamed
President, Kenema Chapter 
Mr. Sylvester Dauda Kargbo
President, Kambia Entertainers
Mr. Elijah Justin Ngaujah 
President, Kono Chapter 

"Ar Go Vote, But Ar Nor Go Fet"

Let's work collectively to eliminate political and election violence. The youths of Sierra Leone are our national asset to build the once Athens of Africa to the America of Africa.

Support Hope for Youths Sierra Leone.

Hope FC Kambia District.png

2022 Program of the Year
HFYSL Football Club Kambia District - FIFA DIVISION II
2022 Program Coordinator
Henrietta Mathews, Moyamba Chapter 

Hope Gari.jpg
Harford Ladies in uniform.png
Harford School for Girls Hope for Youths Chapter
December 2022 

CLICK here for more information - Harford Club

Click Here for Hope Entertainers


Transforming Today's Youths To Tomorrow's Transformative Leaders..


Phone: (919) 475-3867

Registered Charity 501(c)(3) USA

: 85-1443132

Mailing Address:

224 Cape August Place

Belmont, NC 28012

Join Hope For Youths-Sierra Leone

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Cotton Tree Pharmacy Diamond Corporate Sponsor 

Cotton Tree Pharmacy
Hope 4 Youths- Sierra Leone SongTechfrica
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Hope 4 Youths- Kambia District ArtistsKambia District Artists
00:00 / 04:59
Hope 4 youths-Moyamba District ArtistsMoyamba Artists
00:00 / 02:46

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